Chapter 1.123 Manga Plus

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Edad: 42

Chapter 1.123 Manga Plus

Mensaje por Citan »

The two void weeks:

With all the Marines unconscious, the ship of the Kyohei Pirate and the Thousand Sunny finally set sail together for Elbaf. Two weeks before these events, Shaka discovered that someone had made changes to the Power Plant's data to steal some of its energy. Vegapunk initially suspects Lilith, but a week later Pythagoras discovers that it was York. The three of them overhear a conversation in which York turns them to the government. Days later, the Lulusia incident takes place and Vegapunk realizes his share of guilt with the creation of Mother Flame. The three decide to create a response plan, recording Vegapunk's message to the world and erasing the memory of the last two weeks so everything runs naturally and York doesn't discover them. Upon waking up, Vegapunk discovers a message written to himself warning him that the government has discovered him and that he has already taken the appropriate measures, he can only wait to die. After this, all the known events of Egghead begin to take place. But when Vegapunk descends with Sanji in the Vegatank to help Bonney, he confesses to him that he hopes for he and his crew to be the ones to take over the One Piece


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