Episode 601 RAW

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Registrado: Mar Feb 01, 2005 4:37 pm
Ubicación: Isla Sogeki, en el interior de vuestros corazones
Edad: 40

Episode 601 RAW

Mensaje por H-Samba »

Shaking up the New World. Caesar's nightmarish experiment:

Caesar has returned to the laboratory, leaving children in the care of his subordinates so they move them back to the Biscuits Room. However, Mocha seems to be regaining his sanity and refuses to follow the others. Once with Vergo and Monet, Caesar explains the deal he made with Law, his heart in exchange for Monet's one. Smiley has crossed to the ice area and now pursues Zoro, Sanji and Kinemon directly to the second phase of Caesar's plan. Some of his subordinates have moved a huge candy that will react as a reagent to release the poisonous gas that formed Smiley. The name of this weapon of mass destruction is Shinokuni and everyone who is outside of the laboratory will be the guinea pigs.


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人はいつ死ぬと思う? 心臓をピストルで打ち抜かれた時。違う! 不治の病に冒された時。違う!!