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Chapter 991 Manga Plus

Publicado: Dom Sep 27, 2020 6:09 pm
por Citan
Let us die!!!:

The Straw Hat crew doubts about Drake's intentions, but Luffy still agrees to let him fight on their side. Page One fight his way through the samurai until he 's hit by an attack from Usopp. Ulti searches for the one responsible while Usopp hides behind Nami, causing her fury to fall on both of them. Apoo appears with Haccha to confront Luffy, but the giant is attracted by the Franky Shougun and runs after him. On the dome's rooftop, Jack is on the last legs after his confrontation with Inuarashi and Nekomamushi in their Sulong form. Kaidou attacks the Red Scabbards with his dragon breath, but Kinemon cuts through it showing that they all are willing to give their lives.


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