Chapter 1.027 Manga Plus

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Chapter 1.027 Manga Plus

Mensaje por Citan »

A crisis beyond imagination:

Yamato remembers reading in Oden's diary that when Roger and Shirohige faced each other, the sky also split. Luffy asks Yamato to help Momonosuke while he takes care of Kaidou. The island is falling apart because Kaidou is weakened, his flame clouds have started to disappear. Momonosuke will need to create stronger flame clouds to prevent Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital. Meanwhile, Zoro confronts King on the Life Floor. King is angry because his mask has been damaged, he has turned his arms into wings that he uses to shoots uncontrolled air blades that reach both enemies and allies. In a new exchange of attacks, Zoro manages to cut part of King's mask. Zoro is upset that if he dies it won't be by a sword, but King is equally upset that part of his face was revealed.


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