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Chapter 1.054 Manga Plus

Publicado: Dom Jul 24, 2022 5:00 pm
por Citan

Ryokugyuu is intercepted by the Red Scabbards on the outskirts of the Flower Capital. The Admiral shows his disagreement with the existence of a country not tied to the World Government while attacks using the abilities of the Mori Mori no Mi. Yamato arrives to join the fight and soon after, so does Momonosuke in his dragon form. But Momonosuke ask everyone to not interfere his fight. Meanwhile, the Akagami Pirates are waiting near Wanokuni. Shanks discusses with his men his desire to see Luffy and the possibility of going after the One Piece. At the Marines Headquarters, Kurouma informs Sakazuki about the Levely incident. Sabo is accused of murdering the king of Arabasta, the rebels were able to rescue Kuma and princess Vivi is missing. Since then, Sabo has become an icon for the revolted countries called "Entei".


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