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Episode 1.051 RAW

Publicado: Dom Feb 12, 2023 4:40 pm
por H-Samba
The legend repeats itself! Luffy's fist roars in the sky:

Luffy's voice reaches the entire island, causing everyone to recover their spirits and continue fighting. Luffy and Kaidou clash their attacks causing the sky to split in two. Yamato remembers reading in Oden's diary that when Roger and Shirohige clashed the sky also split. Luffy asks Yamato to help Momonosuke while he takes care of Kaidou. The island is falling apart because Kaidou is weakened, his flame clouds have started to disappear. Momonosuke will need to create stronger flame clouds to prevent Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital. As the sky clears, the moon becomes visible again allowing Inuarashi and Nekomamushi to defeat Jack and Perospero. Orochi, who is still alive, watches in surprise from his hideout Jack's defeat.
