Chapter 1.088 Manga Plus

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Edad: 42

Chapter 1.088 Manga Plus

Mensaje por Citan »

Final lesson:

Garp offers to create a distraction so the SWORD members can come up with a way to stop Pizarro. Garp attacks directly the central skull of the island, damaging Pizarro's head. In a brief flashback, we are told that Koby was secretly training punching the battleship bag. Koby jumps up and hits Pizarro's arm, reducing it to pieces. Prince Grus uses his ability to prevent debris from falling on the Marine ship and Helmeppo picks up Koby in the air to prevent him from getting hurt. Everyone is now on the ship, but unfortunately Garp was left behind and was reduced by the enemy. In any case, Garp laughs proclaiming that they are all the future of the Marine as he is frozen by Kuzan. The next day, the newspaper would report Koby's rescue, Garp's missing in action and how Straw Hat Luffy has barricaded himself in Egghead.


Read this chapter at Manga Plus.
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