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Episode 1.077 RAW

Publicado: Dom Sep 24, 2023 5:24 pm
por H-Samba
The curtain falls! The winner, Straw Hat Luffy!:

Kaidou crashes into the ground creating a deep hole similar to Big Mom's. Meanwhile, in the Flower Capital, Hitetsu watches the flying boats depart as he remembers how Toko changed the message to her father to thank him for his sacrifice. In Onigashima, the samurai alliance celebrates Luffy's victory, some Beasts Pirates pretend to continue fighting, but Yamato reminds them that Momonosuke prevented the island from crashing and therefore saved them all. As Momonosuke talks to Zunesha about postponing opening the borders of the country, everyone notices a strong earthquake. From Udon they can see a strong marine explosion created by the magma leaking from the holes created by the Yonkou. Finally, Momonosuke brings the Red Scabbards closer to the Flower Capital, where Denjirou accompanied by Komurasaki prepares to introduce the new shogun to the country.
