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Episode 1.096 RAW

Publicado: Dom Mar 03, 2024 5:00 pm
por Citan
The forbidden history! A hypothesis about a kingdom:

Shaka explains that Hegghead's technology comes from the books rescued at Ohara. When Vegapunk visited the island after the Buster Call, everything had been destroyed, but the lake was full of books. Some giants, led by Saul, rescued the books and took them to Elbaf. There was also Dragon, who asked Vegapunk to join him to create an army to change the world. Vegapunk decided to use his intelligence to change things from the inside, he memorized the books in Elbaf and continued the research. Meanwhile, Luffy's group tries to get the giant robot they found into motion. Suddenly, the robot suffers a severe crash and a man appears half pierced through its body. Bonney confirms that this one is the real Vegapunk.
