Episode 1.025 RAW

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Registrado: Mar Feb 01, 2005 4:37 pm
Ubicación: Isla Sogeki, en el interior de vuestros corazones
Edad: 40

Episode 1.025 RAW

Mensaje por H-Samba »

The worst generation gets wiped out!? The Yonkou's powerful technique!:

The fake Oden prepares to blow himself up, but Ashura grabs him by the waist and both jump out the window before exploding. At that moment Jack arrives to finish off the Red Scabbards, Inuarashi stays to fight while the rest go to help Momonosuke. Meanwhile, a fire has started in the castle, Orochi is still alive and plans to destroy everything in revenge against Kaidou. On the rooftop, Kaidou and Big Mom prepare a powerful combo attack to knock out all the young pirates. However, Zoro gets in the way of the attack by deflecting it slightly upwards. Then, Luffy starts the counterattack jumping towards Kaidou.

人はいつ死ぬと思う? 心臓をピストルで打ち抜かれた時。違う! 不治の病に冒された時。違う!!